Friday, July 31, 2009

Any ideea on this java program?

Write a program that has two classes:


three private instance variables: first, second, third


public void setValue(int i, double value):  if i =1, set first to the newValue, if i=2 set second to the newValue; if i=3, set third to the newValue.

public void setValues(double firstValue, double secondValue, double thirdValue)

public getValue(int i): i =1, get value of first, i=2 get value of second; i=3, get value of thrid.

public static double min( double a , double b, double c): try to use Math.min method

public static double max() (double a , double b, double c): try to use Math.max method

public double getMin(): try to use the.min method you defined

public double getMax(): try to use the above max method you defined

public double sum(): return the sum of the tree instances

public String toString(): return a string. If first=3, second = 5, third =7, then it generates the following string

Triple[3, 5, 7]

Any other methods you like

Any ideea on this java program?
I never figured out what a second class was needed

for, so I just implemented "Triple000". There's

nothing "clever" here; just a straight-forward

implementation of the problem specs. There's a

"main()" which exercises most of the methods

(either directly or indirectly).

public class Triple000


  double first, second, third;


  public void setValue(int i, double value)


    if (i==1)

      first = value;

    else if (i==2)

      second = value;

    else if (i==3)

      third = value;


  public void setValues(

    double firstValue,

    double secondValue,

    double thirdValue)


    first = firstValue;

    second = secondValue;

    third = thirdValue;


  public void Triple000()


    setValues(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);


  public double getValue(int i)


    if (i==1)

      return first;

    else if (i==2)

      return second;

    else if (i==3)

      return third;


      return -1.0; /* exception? */


  public static double min(double a,double b,double c)


    return Math.min(Math.min(a,b), c);


  public static double max(double a,double b,double c)


    return Math.max(Math.max(a,b), c);


  public double getMax()


    return max(first, second, third);


  public double sum()


    return first+second+third;


  public String toString()


    return "Triple[" + first + ", "

         + second + ", " + third + "]";


  public static void main(String argv[])


    Triple000 a = new Triple000();

    //  0, 0, 0

    a.setValues(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

    //  1, 2, 3

    a.setValue(1, 10.0);

    // 10, 2, 3

    a.setValue(3, a.min(5.0, a.getValue(1), 7.0));

    // 10, 2, 5

    a.setValue(1, a.sum() - a.getMax());

    //  7, 2, 5




Then to compile and run it:

    $ javac

    $ java Triple000

    Triple[7.0, 2.0, 5.0]



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