Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help me with my program...?

I want the output like this:

Example output:

Enter coefficient a: 4

Enter coefficient b: 4

Enter coefficient c: 1

Quadratic _expression: 4x2 + 4x + 1

The roots are real: x1 = -0.5 ; x2 = -0.5

It is a perfect square.

Evaluating the _expression:

Enter x: 2

Result : 25

Enter coefficient a: 2

Enter coefficient b: 5

Enter coefficient c: 10

Quadratic _expression: 2x2 + 5x + 10

The roots are imaginary.

Evaluating the _expression:

Enter x: 1

Result : 17

Enter coefficient a: 1

Enter coefficient b: 0

Enter coefficient c: -1

Quadratic _expression: x2 + 0x + -1

The roots are real. x1 = -1 ; x = 1

It is not a perfect square.

Evaluating the _expression:

Enter x: 5

Result : 24

I can't do it like the output above...pls edit

import java.lang.Math;

import java.util.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.text.*;

class Quadratic {

public static void main( String args[] ) {

float fA,fB,fC;

float fRoot1, fRoot2;

float fDiscriminant;

String sLine;

// Print welcome message.

System.out.println("Welcome to The Quadratic Equation Solver");


// Prompt user for coefficients in quadratic equation.

System.out.println("Please Enter coefficients for equation");

System.out.println("a.x^2 + b.x + c");

System.out.print("Coefficent a: ");

sLine = getTextFromConsole();

fA = Float.valueOf(sLine).floatValue();

System.out.print("Coefficent b: ");

sLine = getTextFromConsole();

fB = Float.valueOf(sLine).floatValue();

System.out.print("Coefficent c: ");

sLine = getTextFromConsole();

fC = Float.valueOf(sLine).floatValue();

// Print details of quadratic equation to screen.

System.out.println("The equation you have entered is : ");

System.out.println(+fA+".x^2 + "+fB+".x + "+fC);

// Check for degenerate roots (i.e., fA = fB = zero).

if ( fA==0 %26amp;%26amp; fB==0 ) {

System.out.println("Cannot solve " + fC +" = 0.0");



if ( fA==0 %26amp;%26amp; fB !=0 ) {

fRoot1 = -fC/fB;

System.out.println("Degenerate root : Root = "+ fRoot1);



// Compute discriminant of quadratic equation.

fDiscriminant = fdiscriminant(fA,fB,fC);

// Case for two real roots.

if ( fDiscriminant %26gt;= 0.0 ) {

// Compute : two real roots .....

fRoot1 = (float)(-fB/2.0/fA-(float)Math.sqrt(fDis... /

2.0 / fA );

fRoot2 = (float)(-fB/2.0/fA+(float)Math.sqrt(fDis... /

2.0 / fA);

// Format output to two decimal places of accuracy ...

DecimalFormat formatRoot = new DecimalFormat( "##.##" );

String output1 = formatRoot.format( fRoot1 );

String output2 = formatRoot.format( fRoot2 );

// Print results to screen ....

System.out.println("Two real roots : Root1 : " + output1 );

System.out.println(" Root2 : " + output2 ) ;

} else {

// Compute : two complex roots .....

fRoot1 = (float) (-fB/2.0/fA);

fRoot2 = (float) (Math.sqrt(-fDiscriminant)/2.0/fA);

// Format output to two decimal places of accuracy ...

DecimalFormat formatRoot = new DecimalFormat( "##.##" );

String output1 = formatRoot.format( fRoot1 );

String output2 = formatRoot.format( fRoot2 );

System.out.println("Two complex roots");

System.out.println("Root1 : " + output1 + "+" + output2 + "i");

System.out.println("Root2 : " + output1 + "-" + output2 + "i");



static float fdiscriminant(float fA, float fB, float fC) {

float fReturn;

fReturn= (float)(fB*fB-4.0*fA*fC);

return fReturn;


static String getTextFromConsole() {

String inLine = "";

// Create buffered reader for keyboard input stream....

BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (

new InputStreamReader(System.in));

// Try to read input from keyboard ....

try {

inLine = inStream.readLine();

} catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("IOException: " + e);


return inLine;



Help me with my program...?
i gt the program to run as what your output is. Pls email for the solution. i cant post the coding here, i think some part of the codes is missing. thanks.
Reply:its perfect


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